Go Green Initiatives
BGI is keen on the initiative to keep the surroundings Clean and have already stepped into the milestone of keeping the environment Clean and thereby started maintaining the “Culture of Conservation” within the Company and further with the Community.
BGI has the Goal to conserve and protect natural resources for future generations and also to protect the human health through environment stewardship.
BGI’s objective is to endeavor to reduce its impact to the least possible level, on the environment, through a commitment to continual improvement. This objective will also be applied with our vendors and thereby maintaining the impact level to the least possible on the environment.
BGI takes the responsibility for the mode of its operations that will have impact on the Society and the natural environment with voluntary contribution for a better Society and a Clean Environment in all its existing & future “Go Green Projects” like Rain water harvesting, Solid Waste Management, Save Trees, Save Energy Efficiency etc.
BGI’s intention is to achieve the objective of providing everyone, with reliable access to nature’s cleanest and most abundant energy resource. As is common in most places, a secluded place is conveniently used as a dumping yard for garbage. BGI commenced its First Operation on “Go Green Initiatives” by selecting the Transformer area situated near its corporate office that was being used as a dumping yard. BGI took the initiative with the idea of keeping its environment clean and as community service, built the structure around this Transformer Area for safety as well as to keep this neighborhood area clean.