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Natural gas is the cleanest of all the fossil fuels. B&G Group generates electricity from Natural Gas. The Gas is made available by M/s. GAIL (India) Limited.

Following are the Natural Gas Based Power Projects promoted by M/s. Saheli Exports Private Limited, (SEPL) which is one of the Group Companies of BGI :


8.778 MW Power Project - Existing in Tamil Nadu

M/s. Saheli Exports Private Limited (SEPL), one of the Group Companies of BGI, and an ISO 140001:2004 Certified Company, commissioned this Project on 14th April 2005 with an average annual Generation of 52.90 MU per annum in Komal West Village, Kuttalam Taluk, Nagapattinam District, Tamil Nadu : In Phase I, two Nos. of Rolls-Royce Gas Engines were installed having a total capacity of 6.12 MW each (2 x 3.06 MW). Later, in July 2006, Phase II work started and one more Rolls-Royce Engine having a capacity of 2.69 MW was installed and the overall installed capacity to 8.81 MW.

During May 2012, and November 2013, the first two engines of M/s. Rolls Royce were replaced with new GE Engines having a capacity of 3.044 MW each, from M/s. Clerk Energy Ltd. The O & M job for these engines is being done M/s  SAS epc solutions pvt ltd

30 MW Power Project - Proposal for Expansion of Existing 8.778 MW Project

SEPL, now running successfully its existing 8.778 MW Natural Gas Based Power Project in Komal West Village in Tamil Nadu, is also interested in enhancing this Project with a capacity of 30 MW, and has been actively working to get the environmental clearance for this enhancement.

70 MW Combined Heat and Power Plant Project - - Under Proposal in Karnataka State

SEPL has another Proposal and planning to implement a 70 MW Combined Heat & Power Plant (CH & P) Natural Gas Based Power Project at Sirkatnalli Village, Bidar Taluk, Bidar District, Karnataka State and is actively working on this.


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